
Strategies for Multi-Threading on Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processors

This 1-hour webinar presents practical recipes for optimizing performance in multi-threaded computational applications on Intel® Xeon Phi processors.

The presentation will cover common issues with thread parallelism: excessive synchronization, false sharing, insufficient iteration space size, and more.

The webinar will also cover methods for overcoming these issues: parallel reduction, data padding, strip-mining and loop collapse, and nested parallelism.

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Andrey Vladimirov, PhD

Head of HPC Research at Colfax International

Prior to joining Colfax, Andrey Vladimirov was involved in computational astrophysics research at Stanford University, North Carolina State University, and the Ioffe Institute (Russia), where he studied cosmic rays, collisionless plasmas and the interstellar medium using computer simulations. He is the lead author of a book on parallel programming and optimization, author of over 25 research publications at the online resource Colfax Research and more than 10 invited, peer-reviewed and contributed papers in industry-leading publications in scientific computing and astrophysics.