
Runs Great on Intel® Technology Certification

Take the guesswork out of the QA process, get superior test results, and enjoy additional benefits and opportunities from Intel. The Runs Great on Intel® technology certification program uses preferred test methodologies and tools to determine your game’s performance and playability on Intel® Core™ processors and Intel® Iris® Graphics.


Two Ways to Get Certified


Choose this option to receive our self-test methodology document. Follow the instructions in the document to test your game, submit your results, and receive certification.

Timeline: 2-4 weeks for full results after testing submission.
Cost: Free

QA Lab

Choose this option to work with one of our testing partners. We’ll connect you with a QA lab for testing. Once the process is complete, you’ll submit your results for certification.

Timeline: Varies
Cost: Typically ranges between $500-$1200 on average, but QA Lab costs may vary based on different testing factors and each cost estimation is unique for each game.

If you’re already working with a testing partner, contact them for the status of your submission. Find our testing partners here.

Submit Your Game

Fill out the form to start the certification process!